Thursday, March 24, 2011


Thanks God. Everything went well even though ada banyak ujian at the very last minute. Both receptions di Kuantan and di Taiping semuanya berjalan dengan lancar as we planned earlier.

And now, I am officially married and my life is soooooooooo contented!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Alhamdulillah, we've settled our docs earlier than we planned. 2 months before wedding dah siap. For bride-to-be from Kuantan, the first thing you both should have is the sijil kursus kahwin. Kami berkursus soon after decide nak kahwin. Kursus di Jaip's office during weekend. Ramai juga peserta yang datang, means ramai lah yang nak kahwin kan =) Speakers okay la, ada yang funny and ada yang boring. And ada exam juga! So, be prepared. Questions based on the lectures.

Then, HIV test you should do 3 months before your wedding date. Kalau buat before that period the result will not valid anymore. HIV test tak sakit pun, and sekejap je test nya tak sampai 30 mins you'll get the result.

Form boleh download from the JAIP's website, or boleh juga get it from the office. Tak banyak pun yang you need to fill in, just info2 biasa and some pengesahan.

Once bride-to-be dah dapat form from the groom's side, boleh la lengkapkan apa yang patut and straight away submit to Jaip. The process tak lama, within 24 hours, you can take the 'surat kebenaran kahwin'. Then, dah boleh kahwin!


Hantaran nadiabayu~


Hantaran nadeeyayoe

Hantaran thepinkstilletos


For the hantarans, bride's side will give 7 only and berbalas 5 dulang from the groom's side. Hantaran would be very typical cuma we don't have tepak sirih and manisan like cakes, chocs etc. And gubahan hantaran, I nak buat sendiri but my mom melarang keras. Oh dia tak confident with my creativity. Hehe~ But I degil, insist juga nak buat sendiri. So sekarang, I am searching/googling gubahan2. I love gubahan yang banyak flowers. Feels fresh and colorful and wonderful =)

Super love those three! Sangat menepati citarasa =)
Cute kan cinderella carriage tu!

This is from Rizalman~

Blue and sweet pink~


I didn't spend a lot for door gift actually. For all the guests, we'll give them telur rebus only and for kids maybe ada some candies to give away. Nowadays people like to give a paper bag with some goodies in it. The idea is okay but my mom doesn't like it. She said, it's wasting. Yeah, mom agak berhemah in spending money. But, that is true! Usually, people akan bagi some kuih2 or kerepek2 yang of course murahan because of the high budget. And the taste? You can guess yourself right? Tak ramai yang akan makan, mostly akan buang saja. Betul x? Betul x?

Mom said, telur is the symbol for kesuburan. Itulah rasionalnya orang dolu2 bagi telur during wedding ceremony. Btw, my sis and me already prepared the egg holder for VVIPs and VIPs. 90% my sis yang buat kot. I tolong sibuk je.

Gubahan bunga, my sis yang buat.

Ada ribbons - pink + blue
Belajar ikat ribbons at Small garden =)

Dah siap gam kat gelas tu~

Inilah acik saya and that's her son for sure, Encik PIPI!
(oh, masa ni teman my mom pilih curtains)

Handsome tak?



Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Last few weeks I went to Taiping. Tujuan utama is to find the outfit for majlis bertandang. I wasn't feeling well, kind of miserable masa tu. Sibuk dengan batuk and selsema and during my stay there, I demam. But, gladly we managed to settle the important things. Got the outfit and cincin merisik. MIL said, the theme would be maroon and silver. My dress ada sikit je kot maroon element, it's more into pink color actually =)

Found these pics from other bloggers and ada juga from FB :