Alhamdulillah, we've settled our docs earlier than we planned. 2 months before wedding dah siap. For bride-to-be from Kuantan, the first thing you both should have is the sijil kursus kahwin. Kami berkursus soon after decide nak kahwin. Kursus di Jaip's office during weekend. Ramai juga peserta yang datang, means ramai lah yang nak kahwin kan =) Speakers okay la, ada yang funny and ada yang boring. And ada exam juga! So, be prepared. Questions based on the lectures.
Then, HIV test you should do 3 months before your wedding date. Kalau buat before that period the result will not valid anymore. HIV test tak sakit pun, and sekejap je test nya tak sampai 30 mins you'll get the result.
Form boleh download from the JAIP's website, or boleh juga get it from the office. Tak banyak pun yang you need to fill in, just info2 biasa and some pengesahan.
Once bride-to-be dah dapat form from the groom's side, boleh la lengkapkan apa yang patut and straight away submit to Jaip. The process tak lama, within 24 hours, you can take the 'surat kebenaran kahwin'. Then, dah boleh kahwin!